Terms and Conditions

By enrolling in a class, Student grants permission to Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center to share (orally or in writing, or digitally or through the mail, fax, or by hand) information collected about Student with its official Pizza University Partners and partnering agencies, including without limitation, the following: Student’s name, Student’s email address, Student’s phone number and any program enrollments with Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center to be used by any of them in any promotional communication they deem suitable in their discretion.
There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.
By enrolling in a Pizza University class or program a student acknowledges that they have completely read and fully understood the above release and agrees to be bound thereby. The student hereby releases any and all claims against Pizza University, Pizza University Partners, or any person or organization utilizing any of the foregoing materials or information.

By completing a form on our Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center website you are accepting our Terms and Conditions as well as submitting your data for Pizza University to contact you with the information you provided. Partners and partnering agencies will get copies of form submissions including without limitation, the following: full name, email address, and phone number used by any of them in any promotional communication they deem suitable in their discretion.
There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.
You have the right to remove your information from our database at any time and to request the removal of your information from our partners as well.
To do so you must adjust your subscription in our system or contact us directly to request the removal of our information from our system. Contact info@pizzauniversity for such a request.

All program techniques and all online and printed program and course materials, content, videos, and session transcripts, as well as all copyrighted materials, trademarks, and other intellectual property used in or related to the above-mentioned course are the exclusive property of Pizza University. The student agrees not to disclose, reproduce, sell, or distribute to any third party any of the same or any other information, written or spoken, including course materials, obtained from Pizza University in connection with any Pizza University courses or programs. Without limiting the foregoing, Student further agrees not to permit any third party to access or use any Pizza University online resources available to Student.

The student is solely responsible for all equipment required to participate in the coursework with Pizza University.

Pizza University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change these Enrollment Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time. Changes in these Enrollment Terms and Conditions will be effective when posted.

Student agrees to pay in full by credit/debit card or other payment acceptable to Pizza University, for Student’s tuition and purchases of Pizza University products.

Partial payments are non-refundable.

Pizza University Acknowledgements and Responsibilities
Pizza University agrees solely to provide Students with instruction for the course listed above. Pizza University makes no guarantees, warranties, or promises to Student respecting the course or its utility or value to Student, including but not limited to future employability or income.

Grounds for Termination of Relationship
Pizza University may, at any time, terminate its relationship with Student upon the occurrence of any material breach or threat of these terms and conditions by Student.

Disclaimer – Limitation of Liability
Pizza University will not be liable to Student or to any other person for any indirect, consequential, punitive, or special damages, of any character, whether in an action in contract, tort, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with any Pizza University programs or courses. Pizza University disclaims all warranties and conditions, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including, but not limited to, implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Pizza University’s total aggregate liability arising from or related to Student’s Pizza University program will not exceed the amount Student paid to Pizza University for Student’s program or course. In particular, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Pizza University makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of its program or courses, or the benefit student may receive from same.

Governing Law
This Student Enrollment Agreement and any claim or dispute arising out of, relating to or in connection with this Enrollment Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles. The exclusive means of resolving any such claim or dispute shall be binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association sitting in Prince George’s County, MD and applying its Commercial Rules. Student may not under any circumstances commence or maintain against the Company any civil action, class action, class arbitration, or other representative action, arbitration, or other proceeding.

Acceptance of These Enrollment Terms and Conditions
Student understands that by enrolling in a class, Student acknowledges that Student has read and agreed to the above enrollment terms and conditions. Note that Student must be 18 years of age or older to accept these terms and conditions. If Student is less than 18 years of age, Student must have a parent or guardian accept on Student’s behalf.

By enrolling in a class Student confirms that Student is at least 18 years of age or that Student’s parent or guardian has accepted same on Student’s behalf.

Student also confirms that by enrolling in a class, Student verifies that Student has received, read, and agreed to the below Class Cancellation and Refund Policy, Photo Release Policy & Information Release Policy. Each of these Policies is an integral part of this agreement and incorporated by reference herein.

Once enrolled, Students may cancel their enrollment by sending an email not later than 60 days before their scheduled class and receive a full refund of the tuition price. Students may cancel their enrollment by sending an email between 30 and 59 days before their scheduled class and receive a fifty percent (50%) refund of the tuition price. Cancellations submitted less than 30 days before the scheduled class time are not refundable.

Cancellation request emails must be sent to info@pizzauniversity.org.

Cancellation requests may not be submitted through any other means, including without limitation, by text messages, phone calls, in person notice, or chats to Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center.

See the Additional Terms section below for more information.

Cancellation Confirmation Enrollment is only officially cancelled once the Student has received confirmation of the requested cancellation from Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center.

Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center will issue any refund that may become due Student in the form of a check mailed to the Student’s address on record within thirty (30) days of confirmation of receipt of the Student’s cancellation.

Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center will not be responsible for refunding any costs relating to a program or course that may be incurred by Student other than paid class tuition. By way of example, Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center will not be responsible for costs associated with Student’s travel or accommodations.

Cancellation by Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center
In the event Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center cancels a class for which the Student has enrolled, Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center will issue a full refund within thirty (30) days of the original date of the class or may permit Student to enroll in any future class, as stated below.

Excused Cancellations
Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center may in its discretion and upon satisfactory documentation of cause allow a Student to cancel a confirmed enrollment due to extenuating circumstances and with short notice. Where approved by Pizza University, paid fees will be refunded in full to the Student. The following circumstances may be considered grounds for an excused cancellation:

  • Unexpected death or serious illness of a Student or immediate family member;
  • Serious injury that directly restricts a Student’s ability to travel to the class;
  • Significant natural disasters or severe weather incidents triggering a state of emergency that directly impact Student’s ability to travel to Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center;
  • Urgent travel restrictions or severe security advisories issued after the time of enrollment, by an appropriate government office or agency;
  • Severe property damage or unforeseen maintenance issues that directly impact the safe use of Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center; or
  • Legal, municipality, or utility injunction or order that directly restricts use of or access to Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center.

Binding Effect
This Class Cancellation and Refund Policy (“Policy”) covers all cancellations or refunds for fees paid. Student agrees that he/she will be subject to and will comply with the terms, conditions, and procedures of this Policy when cancelling enrollment. If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us by email sent to info@pizzauniversity.org.

This Policy is a binding part of the Student’s enrollment. Please read this Policy carefully.

Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center reserves the right to amend this Policy for any reason and at any time by posting an updated version to our website.

Student Cancellations
Where a Student cancels attendance at one class, the cancellation will only apply to the specific dates canceled.

Rescheduled Enrollment
Where approved by Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center, a Student may have an opportunity to reschedule his/her enrollment in a future class. Any rescheduled class must be:

  • For substantially the same duration as the original class;
  • Confirmed by Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center; and
  • Only rescheduled once.

Any rescheduled class enrollments are non-refundable once confirmed.

Any sale or promotion is valid during specified times and is subject to end without notice. Sales and promotions cannot be applied retroactively to past orders and cannot be combined with other offers.

By enrolling in a class Student grants permission to Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center to use Student’s image, likeness and the sound of Student’s voice as recorded on audio or video tape at the offices of Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center without payment or any other consideration. Student understands that Student’s image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published, or distributed and Student waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein Student’s likeness appears. Additionally, Student waives any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of Student’s image or recording. Student also understands that this material may be used on Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center’s social media, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, in print media, in written and audio advertisements and promotions, and in other promotional settings within an unrestricted geographic area.

By enrolling in a Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center class Student understands this permission signifies that photographic, audio or video recordings of Student may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting for any purpose related to Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center’s business.

There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic or time limitation on where or when these materials may be distributed.

This release applies to any photographic, audio or video recordings collected as part of the sessions listed in the registration form executed by Student and to the personal information that Student provided in connection with program or course enrollments.

By enrolling in a Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center class Student acknowledges that Student has completely read and fully understood the above release and agrees to be bound thereby. Student hereby releases any and all claims against Pizza University, Pizza University Partners or any other person or organization utilizing any of the foregoing materials or information.

By enrolling in a class, Student grants permission to Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center to share (orally or in writing, or digitally or through mail, fax, or by hand) information collected about Student with its official Pizza University Partners and partnering agencies, including without limitation, the following: Student’s name, Student’s email address, Student’s phone number and any program enrollments with Pizza University & Culinary Arts Center to be used by any of them in any promotional communication they deem suitable in their discretion.

There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.

By enrolling a Pizza University class or program Student acknowledges that Student has completely read and fully understood the above release and agree to be bound thereby. Student hereby releases any and all claims against Pizza University, Pizza University Partners, or any person or organization utilizing any of the foregoing materials or information.